Thursday, October 11, 2012


20th Century:

1920 - The 19th Amendment grants women the right to vote.

1950-1980s - Civil Rights Movements develop worldwide - Ireland, Africa, United States - everyone wanting and fighting for equal rights.

1969 - Riots in Greenwich Village, NYC at Stonewall Inn begin - the LGBTQ community fed up with police raids.

21st Century:

Bullying is in full effect - at school, on the Internet, at home even. Racism, Sexism and Homophobes still exist strongly to this day, despite the courageous acts and the fights that were won in the 20th century. We will never beat any of this with the mentality of, "Where is MY day? Why do THEY get a month of their own? THAT group has many days!" (Note: I have heard this many times)

You want a day? Make one for yourself. Celebrate your own life, your own way. No one is stopping you! But please, do not look down on those around you. Those that are different. You don't know their personal struggle. Maybe a day like National Coming Out Day makes them happier.

Today is National Coming Out Day - it IS a day for everyone! Come out as an ally. Or a mental warrior. Shit, be a Superhero for a day! Smile at someone you would normally turn away from.

We will never all be the same. We will never all get along. But respect can go a long way.

Today, I'm coming out as .... Human.

#Respect #OneLove