Friday, November 23, 2012

Bah Humbug.

It is that time of year again - Mistletoe, candy canes, egg nog, trees, pretty wrapping paper, baked goods, and people being complete d!cks to each other.

What was that? Oh, you HAD to wait in line for a week for that free prize and extra TV with surround sound at the store that probably pays their employees minimum wage to deal with your BS? Oh, okay. I get it now! Completely understand.

Actually, I don't. So, let's go over this one more time:

Thanksgiving is the day we give thanks for everything that we already have - family, friends, a roof over our head (some don't even have that much). But the VERY next day, sometimes not even the next day!, (later that night?) we become beasts of corporate America and demand even more stuff because - it's on sale. IT'S ON SALE!! Holiday tradition! Must. Go. Shopping. Day. After. Giving. Thanks. Move over, old lady - you, MA'AM, are in my way! I will hurt you if you grab that last toy off the shelf!

See? I just don't get it. Not only do I not get the Black Friday tradition, but I also don't get why some people really have it in their heads that that is the ONLY day that sales are available. I, myself, am a procrastinator when it comes to buying gifts and I know this is not true. In fact, Cyber Monday is even better. People are pretty blinded though.

I will tell you this - Those sales are off and on from now until Christmas (and of course, the best is after!) The only reason you are suckered into Black Friday deals is that they advertise WAY more and they usually offer an incentive to shopping on that particular day. Like being run over, or hit by a drunk driver, or being maimed in the parking lot. Other than that, it's the same shit.

Next Black Friday, I want to do something. I want to go into a store and find the most depressed looking employee - the one that probably drank an hour before working - and buy them one of the "ONE DAY SALE CLEARANCE SHITSTORM ITEM!!!1111"

And then I'll buy them a baseball bat so they can take it out in the parking lot and beat the HELL out of it, Office Space style.


'Tis the season.


  1. Great post! We also don't get Black Friday. It sounds very violent for a shopping spree. We're so glad we don't bother with Christmas, but even when we did, we're glad we never got sucked into the madness.

  2. Thanks, guys!! Means a lot coming from you. Black Friday scares the hell out of me, honestly. The holidays are quite frightening, actually. Lol
